In the world of Knight Age, anyone who raised them start their own adventures like go to the unexplored lands,
fighting against the evil forces.
They are called the Freedom Knights, and you will be one of them.
I. The Main Characters
As an online role-playing games - Knight Age bring compelling story-lines and fun, put vast world to explore, battle system - diverse items with 4 character classes to choose from .
Warrior Assassin Wizard Gunner
Each character class will have specific strengths, along with weapons systems, separate items.
II. The Vast World:
Age Knights include Three large world, varied terrain with mysterious lands are waiting to be explored.
III. The Combat:
Role-Playing Game (RPG) genre featured tight guillotine,
Knight Age bring diverse fighting system according to attributes and divided each character.
There are 5 types of properties include:
Physical Damage - Ice Damage - Fire Damage - Lightning Damage - Poison Damage,
in addition to more different types of hidden attributes that have not been explored.
Potential point system in the game consists of 4 categories:
Strength (STR) - Dexterity (DEX) - Vitality (VIT) - Intelligence (INT).
Each character class has the potential to rise from 2 directions:
WARRIOR: Strength (STR) - Vitality (VIT)
ASSASSIN: Strength (STR) - Dexterity (DEX)
WIZARD: Intelligence (INT) - Vitality (VIT)
GUNNER: Intelligence (INT) - Dexterity (DEX)
System diverse combat skills and divided equally for each character class:
IV. The Items:
Game system provides very diverse items, including equipment for each character and equipped buffet.
Levels are divided by color items featured: White - Blue - Yellow - Purple - Orange.
Items higher level will have special properties to explore.
V. The Storyline Mission:
The game world is set in the fictional knights and medieval style.
In it you will transform into a knight apprentice adventures exploring the world, meeting the special character ...
Throughout the story, you'll have to go through many different lands, discover a conspiracy huge and dark forces want to destroy the world.
There are two types of tasks in the game is the main task and sub task, you can get the task by helping the characters in the game as a true knight so.
VI. New Bosses and Some Updates:
The knight can not exceed +5 level of Boss level can hunt Boss,
but Boss is very diverse level so the knights can go to find and destroy the Boss and the prizes are awarded different values.
Remember the Boss will be reborn after 12 hours from when it is destroyed.
The Port City
Knight Age wants to have to go to the new map of the sea map,
NPC Mr Haku to be on a boat to the new map.
You can move faster with accelerated charge is 1 pearl only.
Devils Top Cow Boss in map Gate House About
• Gold
• Mints
• Stone enhancement
• Stone luck
• Grass 4 Leaf
• Bone
• Titanium Ingots
• Metal universe
• Equip cam
• Currencies Tyche
Scorpio Lord Boss map Plains Wolf
• Gold
• Stone enhancement
• Mints
• Milk candy
• Chicken rice
• Cross
• HP type 6000
• MP types 6:00
Boss Goat in map Silver Gate of Heaven
• Gold
• Stone enhancement
• Stone luck
• 3 leaf grass
• Bone
• Titanium Ingots
• Metal universe
• Equip cam
• 3 color stones
• Currencies Horae
Medusa in map Forest Boss Dead
• 3 color stones
• Stone enhancement
• Stone luck
• 3 leaf grass
• Titanium Ingots
• Equip cam
• Currencies Horae
• scrap metal
• Yellow feathers
Boss Evil One Eye on map Marsh
• Gold
• Titan
• Metal universe
• Blue Coat
• Yellow feathers
• Red Coat
• 3 leaf grass
• Knowledge Book
Boss Horseman Hell in Hell Floor map 1
• Gold
• Cross
• Currencies Tyche
• Grass 4 Leaf
• Bone
• Titanium Ingots
• Metal universe
• Equip cam
• 3 color stones
• Currencies Horae

Goat Golden Boss in Forest Highlands map
• Gold
• Stone enhancement
• Stone luck
• Blue Coat
• Red Coat
• Yellow feathers
• Grass 4 Leaf
• 3 color stones
• Equip cam
• Chicken's leg
• Copper and silver Tyche
VII. Game Platforms:
Knight Age Online (KAO) game platform.
You can play on a Windows PC, iPhone, computer lines running Android, Windows Phone,
and have both the Java running on S40, S60 Nokia's old. With high quality and speed on the smooth transmission lines ADSL, 3G, GPRS.
The game is suitable for all ages. Direct character control is very easy on the touch screen.
When played on a PC you can use the mouse, or the flexibility to control the character with hard keyboard phones Nokia S40, S60 old.