The 108 Stars of Destiny
The 36 Heavenly Spirits
There are 36 Heavenly Spirits, and 72 Earthly
Fiends. The Heavenly Spirits are denoted with a “Ten-” prefix, while the
Earthly Fiends are denoted by a “Chi-” prefix. Some of these Stars have
duplicates, that's just because of their Romanization. Stars with no
description have no discernable pattern in characters.
The 36 Heavenly Spirits
7. Tenmou Star – Star of Swift Courage
Original Owner: Ch'ing Ming, the Fire in the Thunder Clap
Characters: Kwanda Rosman, Kiba Windamier
Characters under this Star are leaders of solid armies, and are characterized by wearing heavy amounts of armor either in combat or as leaders. Described by Suikosource as being “strong village leaders.” Exceptions: III, IV. First, this was for Kwanda Rosman, an Imperial General of Pannu Yakuta castle, then it passed to Kiba, once again an enemy general who defected to the other side. Both are known for their defensive nature.
8. Teni Star – Star of Majesty
Original Owner – Hu Yien Shu, the Double Whip of Iron
Characters: Pesmerga, Pesmerga